Instead, complete the missions where she sends you off to hack terminals (Systems Hacking and The Observer), which are designed to give you something to do while you're exploring the hub to recruit Thane and Samara and do Miranda's loyalty mission. When you should play it: When you talk to Liara on Ilium there's a dialogue option that says, "Let's get the Shadow Broker." Choosing that will start the DLC but also end Liara's chain of sidequests from the base game. There's a crime scene investigation, a fight up the side of a big space thing, and a car chase where you finally get to pilot one of those skycars. It's got a diverse collection of fun setpieces too. If you romanced Liara in the first Mass Effect this is your opportunity to pick up where you left off, but even if you didn't Lair of the Shadow Broker is still a blast-an opportunity to play Gal Friday while your former sidekick has a turn at being protagonist. The most substantial Mass Effect 2 expansion reunites you with Liara, now an information broker, as she tries to rescue one of her agents from the Shadow Broker. (Image credit: EA) Lair of the Shadow Broker Either do his loyalty mission as soon as you're finished on Omega to get it out of the way and unlock his inferno grenade bonus power, or save it for after Horizon when you're securing the loyalty of the rest of the crew. When you should play it: When you're on Omega to recruit Mordin and Archangel, recruit Zaeed in passing.

The main thing it has going for it is that voice actor Robin Sachs (who played Ethan Rayne in Buffy) does a great grizzled badass. Zaeed's involves liberating a refinery from his old mercenary company, and confronting the fact that he's kind of an amoral bastard. On the plus side, their loyalty missions unlock straight away. They just tell stories based on which items you look at in their rooms. The other difference with the DLC squaddies is that they don't have back-and-forth dialogues when hanging out on the Normandy. It makes having to fight through an entire office tower to recruit Thane seem a hassle by comparison, though Thane does have much more kissable lips. They're noticeably different from the others, with no recruitment missions-in veteran mercenary Zaeed's case, you have a quick chat on Omega and he immediately joins the squad. (Image credit: EA) Zaeed - The Price of RevengeĪs if the 10 squadmates of the base game weren't enough, Mass Effect 2 threw in two extras as DLC.