Two-Point Hospital revels in its zany humour, all the way to the funny little animations and the lady who comes over the tannoy and announces things like, ‘Register your body for compost-a-Patient today, help the grass be greener from the other side.’ Or folk suffering from Mime Crisis which makes them believe they are trapped inside an invisible box. Treatment is the most entertaining part of the game because the poor saps who have come to your hospital have all manner of baffling ailments, like literally having a lightbulb for a head that must be unscrewed using a machine before a new head is grown for them and shoved into their body. Different little things get thrown into the mix as you move through the game, be it new types of rooms and diseases or cramped spaces that force you to really consider how big a staff room actually needs to be. As the gormless patients come shambling through the front doors you’ll need to start plopping down GP rooms and doctors to start diagnosing them, before moving onto a variety of more specific diagnosis methods. Two-Point Hospital is a relaxed building and management game despite the fact that you hold the lives of dozens of people in your hands.

If you fancy a more in-depth look at the game you can check out my review from 2018, but otherwise read on for the brief explanation of why it’s worth playing. Two-Point Hospital draws hefty inspiration from the classic Theme Hospital, giving you a series of hospitals to build and manage, and a steady stream of patients suffering from a wide variety of barmy problems that must be solved in equally barmy ways.

Luckily, Two-Point Hospital understands that real illnesses kind of suck and don’t involve anywhere near enough unscrewing people’s heads or patients dying in the corridors and becoming obnoxious ghosts who scare the other patients. Plus, all the illnesses looked super boring. Having spent quite a lot of time in hospitals the idea of being a doctor never really appealed to me.